
The 10 Best Team Building Activities for Teens


Many researches show the effectiveness of teamwork in achieving goals. However, teens mostly struggle in their social and academic lives and find themselves in trouble when working at a new place or in a team. To address this, team-building activities are a great fun thing for teens to learn teamwork, collaboration, and social skills. It helps them explore new adventures while working with other team members and in their future success. Here's a list of 10 fun team-building activities that are perfect for teens.

Benefits of team building activities

1. Communication

Better communication is vital for teens in their school, workspace, or in strengthening their relations with family, peers, and teachers. They learn to convey their thoughts and ideas to others and actively listen to others' views. It helps them make the right choices and decisions by using the experience of others as well.

2. Collaboration

Teamwork enables the teens to learn how they can work together toward common goals. Everyone does his role and a collective achievement results. Teens learn to work with people of different minds and ideas. It builds their social and cooperation skills.

3. Trust Building

Through team-building activities, teens practically learn to trust in their abilities and strengths. All possess some unique skills and capabilities. They practice to get others' support to perform group projects and learn to rely on others' capabilities. This increases a sense of support, collaboration, and stronger bonds among the members. 

4. Self-esteem and Confidence

When teens perform group projects and achieve the targets, they feel valuable and useful. It raises their self-esteem and confidence. So they can better perform in their future life and goals. Achieving one thing effectively gives an energy to get others also.

5. Relationships

Working with others teaches teens to build, strengthen, and sustain their relationships. They learn to work and live with people of different minds and abilities. They get the patience to ignore the mistakes of others and keep their relations healthy and strong. Meeting, working, and enjoying with different people is essential for their future life.

Team Building Activities for Teens

Here is a list of ten team-building activities for teens and how these activities can impact their skills and behavior.

1. Cross the Line

"Cross the Line" Activity

  • Draw a line on the ground and make all the teens stay on one side of the line.
  • Call a statement like "Cross the line who has ever helped a stranger" or "Cross the line who has planted a tree".
  • All the teens agreeing to this statement will cross the line and go to the other side of the line.
  • Now they will share their experiences about this event.

  • It helps the teens know that they are not alone in their problems and struggles. They develop empathy and closeness for others.

2. Silent Line Up

  • Teens are called to line up in order of their age, height, or shoe size.
  • They need to do all that by talking to others. They can only communicate through gestures, expressions, and non-verbal methods.
  •  Once they have done it, check it and you can give them some reward to make it more interesting for them.
  • This teaches the teens to work together and understand others' emotions and feelings with the needs of words.

3. Drawing Back to Back

Drawing Back to Back

  • Divide the teens into pairs and let sir back to back with their faces in opposite directions.
  • Give a simple image or drawing to one partner and don't show it to the other one.
  • Now, whom you have given the image will verbally describe it to his partner. And the partner will draw it on a blank paper.
  • After they have finished, review it, and whoever completes first and does best wins.
  • It increases their listening and interpretation skills. It also teaches them to work together, communicate better, and trust one another.

4. Spot the Difference

It can be done in two ways:

  1. Pair the teens and let them observe different things in a room. Let them move out. Make some changes in the environment. Then allow the teens to come to the room and observe the changes.
  2. Divide all the teens into two groups. Ask Group A to observe the group B keenly. Then A will leave the room and come after B has made some changes. Them A will notice these differences collectively.

In this way, they will learn to observe things keenly and work along with their fellows to achieve the targets.

5. The Human Knot

The Human Knot

  • Let the teens make a circle standing shoulder to shoulder.
  • Each will close their eyes and grab the hand of others who are not next to them.
  • After doing that, they will open their eyes and try to untangle them without leaving the other's hands.
  • They will have to do so through patience, planning, problem-solving, and teamwork.

6. Electric Fence

  • Stretch a rope or a strung between two points at a certain height.
  • Now the teens will cross the rope without touching it.
  • If anyone hits the rope, then the whole team will have to start from zero.
  • This fun game emphasizes the importance of working together and critically solving a problem.

7. Treasure Hunt

  • Teens are divided into teams and are blindfolded.
  • They are given a series of clues to find a "hidden treasure". 
  • The team that finds the treasure early wins.
  • It involves working together and using problem-solving skills to complete the given tasks on time.

8. Sports

Football play

  • Sports are great outdoor activities to test the skills of teens.
  • Despite the fun and teamwork, it teaches a lot of skills like problem-solving, working under pressure, leadership, collaboration, and winning after a lot of organized activity.
  • Decide a sport like football, cricket or any other.
  • Make the teams and let them play with collaboration and cooperation without just focusing on winning.
  • It gives teens both mental and physical benefits.

9. Creative Projects

  • Plan a project that requires the collective effort of all the teens.
  • It can be creating a short film or a story. Every participant will have to play a specific role.
  • To make it challenging and enjoyable, give them a certain time to finish the task.
  • It will teach them time management and effectively doing their duties.

10. Volunteer


  • Let the teens participate in a volunteer task like a clean-up activity, helping others, or fund-raising.
  • Divide the duties among the teens and they'll need to finish them in a given time.
  • It creates a sense of responsibility and helping others while working in a team.

Read also: Must-Try Crazy Things to Do as a Teenager

The Last Say

Team-building activities offer great opportunities for teens to learn essential life skills in a fun and enjoyable way. Apart from practicing collaboration and problem-solving, they also create stronger relationships with their friends and peers. These activities will be fruitful for their brighter future!

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